
Some definitions:

psychology – the scientific study of human behavior.

history – the study of past events, especially human events.

nursing – the profession of managing and providing care for the sick and promoting health for all.

systems management – the discipline of studying, building or maintaining processes, procedures, people, and equipment to solve complex tasks.

ministry – the vocation of serving the spiritual needs of others.

computer science – the pseudo science of attempting to solve business problems, play games, and write messages using devices that were originally intended to calculate ballistics for warships and artillery.

photography – the art and practice of capturing frozen moments of time using a camera.

Past Banners

Dungeness Nearshore and Estuarine Restoration Project
Dungeness Nearshore and Estuarine Restoration Project
Dungeness Spit, a six mile long sandbar extending into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Dungeness Spit, a six mile long sandbar extending into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
Looking south from the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the Olympic Mountains.
Looking south from the Strait of Juan de Fuca, the Olympic Mountains.

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