Hashimoto Kingoro

Colonel Hashimoto Kingoro, defendant, International Military Tribunal for the Far East.

Hashimoto Kingoro, Colonel. Born 19 February 1890; died 29 June 1957. Cadet, Military Academy (1909); Second Lieutenant, Artillery (Decenber. 1911); First Lieutenant (December 1914); Captain (February 1920); Major (August 1925); Military Attache, Japanese Embassy to Turkey (September 1927 — January. 1930); Lieutenant Colonel (August 1930); Instructor, Army Staff College (November 1930); Colonel (August 1934); retired from Army (August 1936); recalled to duty (August 1937); retired from Army (1939); elected to House of Representatives, Imperial Diet (April 1942); founder, Sakurakai [Society of the Cherry]; founder, Dai Nippon Seinento [Great Japan Youth Party]. Arrested 11 September 1945; designated war criminal by China; appeared as defense witness at IMTFE. Charged on thirty-three counts (reduced to seven), found guilty on two counts; sentenced to life imprisonment, paroled in 1955.