
by C. J. Cherryh (DAW, ISBN 978-0756407988)

Another installment in a stellar story

Review by Lawrence I. Charters, May 29, 2013

The Foreigner series is one of the most cherished in modern science fiction. The central figure is a human tasked with acting as a translator between the small, lost human colony on a far distant planet and the dominant species. Over the course of the series, the translator has evolved from an inexperienced pawn of political forces to a major force, but a force based on communication, not wealth or political power or force of arms.

Protector, by C.J. Cherryh
Protector, by C.J. Cherryh

This volume spans only a few days, and focuses on the birthday of the heir to the most powerful figure on the planet, and a long simmering web of deceits, lies and betrayals that rapidly unwind when exposed to the light of day. Oh, yea: there is also gunplay, spacecraft, and a recurring infatuation with eggs.

While it might be best to read the books in order, this volume, in particular, stands well on its own. Recommended.