Techno Lust – 14 gigabytes of memory

© Lawrence I. Charters

Washington Apple Pi Journal, Vol. 30, no. 6, November-December 2008, p. 19.

Remember when you got your first computer that had 64K of RAM? You had the most awesome computer around, and were the envy of your friends.

Remember when you got your first computer with a megabyte of RAM? What power! What speed! Everything just worked so much smoother.

Remember when you got your first computer with a gigabyte of RAM? OK, maybe you didn’t really need a gigabyte, but RAM prices were down, and that new version of Mac OS X, Leopard, apparently works better with more RAM…

14 gigabytes of memory
14 gigabytes of memory

Remember when one of your colleagues got a computer with 14 gigabytes of RAM? Remember how you envied and hated them…?